Key Note Speakers

Marie-Laure Derat
Prof. Marie-Laure Derat is working at the Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS). She is currently leading two projects: the first “Ethio-Chris Process” (click here for more information) and the second “Lalibela: archéologie d’un site rupestre” (click here for more information).
Recently, she published L’énigme d’une dynastie sainte et usurpatrice dans le royaume chrétien d’Ethiopie du XIe au XIIIe s. (Turnhout: Brepols, 2018).

Jeanine Abdul Massih

Guillaume Robin
Guillaume Robin is a senior lecturer in archaeology at the University of Edinburgh (UK). His research focuses on Neolithic monuments, rock art and landscapes. He currently runs a project in Sardinia (Italy) looking at prehistoric rock-cut tombs and their relationships with the natural environment and archaeological settlements.

Francesca Sogliani
Francesca Sogliani is Professor of Christian and Medieval Archaeology at the Department of European and Mediterranean Cultures of the University of Basilicata where she is also the vice-coordinator of the International master course in Archaeology and History of Art and the Director of the Post-graduate University School of Archaeological Heritage in Matera. She is the Director of the scientific Journal “Siris. Studi e ricerche della Scuola di Specializzazione in Beni Archeologici di Matera” and the Co-Director of the Series “Polieion, Collana di Archeologia della Basilicata e dell’Italia meridionale”. She is Member of the Steering Committee of the Society of Italian medieval Archaeologists– SAMI and of Steering Committee of the Basilicata Regional Cluster of Cultural Creative Industries, member of the Scientific Board of the National Cluster of Cultural Creative
Industries and corresponding member of the Apulian Academy of Sciences. She has been component of Site Management Plan Working Group Unesco “The Sassi and the Park of the Cave Churches of Matera”. She is PI and Scientific manager of the Regional Project CHORA – Archaeological Laboratories in Basilicata, in the frame of she is the scientific director of the Project DARHEM – Digital Atlas of rupestrian Heritage of Matera. Over the past 10 years he has participated in the planning, application and coordination of the several European projects, among which the last one is the Project DELTA – Digital Education through Learning and Training in Archaeology. She organized the VIII Conference of the Society of Medieval Archaeologist – SAMI in Matera in 2018. She currently direct numerous archaeological excavations of fortified, monastic, rupestrian and
urban sites in Campania and Basilicata. Her current research deals with late antique and medieval settlements in southern Italy, rupestrian settlements and production and circulation of artifacts. Her interests also concerns the enabling technologies for the knowledge and enhancement of archaeological and cultural heritage.