MAPPA School
Winter school: R for Archaeologists
27 January- 7 February 2020
Pisa – Dipartimento di Civiltà e Forme del Sapere
Gabriele Gattiglia – University of Pisa
Nevio Dubbini – Miningful Studio
Francesco Carrer – University of New Castle
Joe Roe – University of Copenaghen
The “R 4 Rcheologists” Winter School aims at a fruitful combination of archeology and statistics through the teaching of data analysis, data mining and data visualization techniques. Participants will learn the concepts and methods of univariate and multivariate analysis, spatial analysis and data visualization through an integrated use of R ecosystem software packages, statistical and practical principles. R is a programming language and a free software environment for statistical and graphic processing. R is one of the main programming languages of Data Science and includes a wide range of statistical and graphical techniques, including linear and non-linear models, statistical tests, spatial statistics, time series analysis, classification, clustering and others.
The Winter School will last 60 hours and will take place from January 27th to February 7th 2020, at the Department of Civilization and Knowledge at the University of Pisa, Italy.
Students, graduates, doctoral students and doctoral students in archeology or related to cultural heritage. The course is open to EU students (including students from the University of Pisa) and non-EU. For an effective learning environment, the number of participants will be limited to 20.
– ECTS: 6
– Rates: 500 euros (accommodation and food not included)
– Application deadline: 16 December 2019
– An available scholarship (awarded based on the CV, on request)
– Winter School website: www.mappaproject.org/r4rchaeologists/
To participate, visit: www.mappaproject.org/r4rchaeologists/