MAPPA Lab is organizing the 1st Conference of Archaeology of Contemporary past in Italy! The event will be held in Pisa, between November 30 and December 1st, in collaboration with the Department of Humanistic Research and Innovation, University of Bari.

Archaeology of the contemporary age has been a well-established reality in the international landscape for years now. In Italy, several experiences are taking shape in this direction, which does not impose chronological limits on the possibilities of investigation offered by archaeological sites.
For the first time, we are organizing a two-day meeting for those who, driven by interest and a desire for discovery, are working in this field. It will be an opportunity to meet and discuss the experiences of contemporary and present-day archaeology carried out in Italy, and to initiate a shared path.
The call is open to archaeologists exploring this area, to present projects, share experiences, exchange ideas, and viewpoints.
Organizers: Francesca Anichini, Giuliano De Felice, Gabriele Gattiglia, Maria Letizia Gualandi
Keynote Speaker: Alfredo González-Ruibal
Speakers: Andrea Augenti, Cristina Cattaneo, Marco Milanese, Giuliano Volpe
Please submit proposals by September 20, 2023.
To apply, simply send an abstract of up to 300 words, indicating the title, name, affiliation, and up to 5 keywords to the email address